File Browser not opening

Hello Team,

I am using Helical Insight 3.1 in an integrate mode. SSO is also implemented.
However the file browser is only opening when I am at “Home” page, however from other pages the file browser is not opening. I am getting this below error
Error: Uncaught TypeError: n.slice is not a function
url:, line: 3, column: 9759 (TypeError: n.slice is not a function)

Thank You

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Hi Riwim,

Answer: Kindly follow the below-mentioned steps. Go to the location (your path might be different based on OS and installation path)
C:\Program Files\Helical Insight\hi\apache-tomcat-7\conf\server.xml

In this file, you can see something like

<Connector port="8085" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8447" />

Replace it with

<Connector port="8085" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8447" relaxedQueryChars='^{}[]|&quot;' />

Once done restart the server and check. It will work fine, if it still does not work fine please implement this solution also mentioned on the below URL.

Thank you
Team Helical