Unable to Edit and Save Metadata

Hello Helical,

We are using Helical Insight 3.1. We are trying to edit the metadata which we saved but the metadata is throwing error and we are not able to save the metadata after editing it . We are getting this error " Error: MetadataRetrievalException: Could not save metadata. Cache still in progress Please try again later"

Could you please let us know the exact issue/solution?

Thank You,

Hello Jam,

The message which is shared means that the cache is being prepared and that is why it is taking time. There could be some reasons and some things which can be done

(a) Increase JVM of helical insight server (How to Increase JVM Memory in Helical Insight Application?)

(b) at your database level increase the number of concurrent connections it can be support

© at helical insight level you can increase the number of columns and number of tables it can fetch in every api call.

There is a file called “project.properties” and the file location is “..\hi\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi-ee\WEB-INF\classes”. You can open this
file in edit mode and search for “metadataThreadsTableThreshold=”. It is generally present on line no 32. You can see that here it would be
mentioned as 25, you can increase this upto 200. More advisable is keep it to 150.

(d) Keep limited tables and columns in the metadata

Thank You,
Helical Insight.