Transparency with image background not working

Hi Team ,

I am using Helical Insight enterprise version 5.1 GA.
I added a background Image to a dashboard and it is disturbing the visibility of the reports on it. I tried to decrease the opacity of the background Image. But along with the background Image the report’s opacity is also decreasing. How should I only decrease the opacity of the background image without disturbing the reports opacity?
Refer below image for better understanding :


Thank You,

Hii , this is a known issue which we will be fixing in latter versions. For now it can be handled using Using CSS itself we will add the image as well as specify its transparency. No need to “add” image as background using right click option using the solution we have specified below.

Right click on the dashboard background Css Code :



background:url('Image URL'); //paste the image url here






opacity:0.1; //decrease or increase this from 0 to 1

background-size : cover;


#item-LH98h .hr-main-container{


position: relative;


Paste this code in the dashboard level css Holder. Using this code You can decrease/increase the opacity of the background Image only without any effect on reports.


Note : before pasting this code disable the background in the dashboard so that what you added via right click image background is not applicable.

Thank You,
Helical Insight.