Table not visible with many columns

Hello Team,

We are using table visualization in Helical Insight 5.2 enterprise version. When we use a table with more columns, since Helical Insight is a responsive application it adjusts within the same space, making it difficult to see the data clearly. How can we adjust the column widths properly to enable horizontal scrolling and view the data clearly?


Helical Insight 5.2 onwards, there is a default property to enable horizontal scroll, allowing the columns to be adjusted properly.

  1. When we add more columns in a tabular report, it appears as below:


  1. To enable horizontal scroll, click on the three dots and choose “Properties”.


  1. Select “Table”, enable horizontal scroll, and then click “Apply”. This will adjust the column widths and create a horizontal scroll, allowing you to see the data clearly.



Thank You,
Helical Insight.