Table data text data alignment

Hello Helical Team,

We are using Helical Insight application version 5.0 GA. In the tabular report we want to change the alignment of the data and header to center. Currently they are not in the center as you can see in the below image . Please help us in changing the alignment to center.


Thank you


You can change the alignment of the data in a tabular report using CSS. You can use the same CSS to change the alignment of the data in tabular report to center.


#hi-report-2591898b .ant-table-thead>tr>th{

text-align: center;


#hi-report-2591898b .hreport-table .ant-table-tbody>tr>td>div{

text-align: center !important;



You can see that all the data along with header aligned to center.

Here #hi-report-2591898b is the id which is unique to each report. You can find this in CSS Operations.

Usage :
Hover on 3 dots and in the select Operations in Operations go to CSS and paste the CSS code by changing the id of the report accordingly.


**Component id is the report which we used in CSS code.

Thank you.