Support for Docker

Hello Helical,

Is it possible to implement Helical Insight on Docker?

Thank You,

Helical Insight supports compartmentalization and can be implemented along with Docker or Kubernetes.

Generally, our clients take care of the same at their end and many of our customers have implemented the same.

However, just for your reference, we are attaching (837 Bytes) . On a similar lines you can implement at your end.

Once you have downloaded the docker file, please follow the instructions given below:

Pre requisites to install Helical Insight manually

We hope that you have already installed Helical Insight latest version in your machine, So please find the below files in their mentioned locations

1.hi-ee : hi-ee folder (exploded hi-ee.war file) …/hi/apache-tomcat-9/webapps/

2.hi-repository : hi-repository folder …/hi/

3.derby database : db folder …/hi/

4.hdi.licence (Note:Make sure that deploy the valid license) …/hi/apache-tomcat-9/webapps/hi-ee

II. Go through the below link to understand the manual installation of Helical Insight

III. Below are the common mandatory files to modify as per our convenience while installing Helical Insight.

  1. application-context.xml

It contains the DB details of Helical Insight repository ,so that you can modify the repository DB details here. This DB also stores information about user role management, scheduling information etc.


It contains Helical Insight log file path, you can change the path to correct location of helical-insight.log file


It contains initial triggering file paths of Helical Insight installation, change them to correct locations accordingly

  1. setting.xml

It contains the base URL placeholder, you can change the Helical Insight access URL here.

IV.Download above mentioned files and folders from given area (S3 bucket etc) and download the Dockerfile and place in local.

Create a folder ____ in local and place all pre-requisites and modified files in point III here

Example: If you consider the provided Dockerfile, we created below folders and placed the files in respective folders.




Note1: Change the docker file as per the convenience (like file locations etc).

Note2: Decide which tomcat to use for the application, recommended to use latest one.

V. Download the Dockerfile and place in above folder

step1: open docker desktop or toolbox terminal, go to the docker file location from the terminal.

step2: build the docker image using dockerfile.

cmd: docker build --tag docker-image-name . (dockerfile-path)

step3: run the container from above image

cmd: docker run -p 8080:8080 --name docker-container-name -d docker-image-name

step4: check whether the image and container are running properly.

cmd: docker image

cmd: docker ps

cmd: docker logs -f container-name

step5: Access the HI server from browser.

url: or http://localhost:8080

** With the above steps the Helical Insight app will be successfully installed in docker **

VI. Use environment variables to pass the details dynamically to the HI backend files(ex above mentioned files)

Step1: Provide the environment variable in docker file with a value.

example: ENV DATABASE_URL “derby:/usr/local/helical-insight/db/hiee;create=true”

Step2: Access the variable in the desired file dynamically.

example: (in application-context.xml file)

Hi there,
I’m looking for a kubernetes deployment (like a kubernetes deployment yaml file, not a docker deployment in AWS). Is there a sample configuration for kubernetes available or can someone share a yaml manifest from a running instance?
I would like to test run helicalinsight on a kubernetes platform (OpenShift) on-premise, any kubernetes sample would be great!.