Show percentage contribution as data labels


I am using Helical Insight 5.2.1. There are data label options which shows actual values. However what I would like to show is the percentage value as compared to total of that category. Note that I am not interested in using percentage stacked bar chart.

Can I show the percentage contribution value in a normal bar chart ?

Hello Netta,

There is a property when enabled shows percentage instead of value (read here : PERCENTAGE ON ARC PIE or DONUT CHART - Helical Insight )

This property can not only work for pie donut charts, but it can also work for other charts also in Grid Chart category. (in grid chart though it will not work for HeatMap and Text chart).

To enable the percentage, go to Properties > Radial. Enable ‘Show Label’ to display the percentage.

For Bar Chart :


For Line Chart :


Thank You,
Helical Insight Team.