Show Labels and Actual Value in Pie Chart

Hello Team HI,

I have a pie chart. By default, I see only values as a percentage. But, I want to show the labels and the actual values both on the chart. Also, the labels should be in the center of each slice. Ideal would be if the

Thank You

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Hello Gaboro,

In order to show the labels along with the values, use the below script in JS Editor pane:

hi_container.set("preExecution", function(a) {

    var b = a.get("viz_Options");

    b.chartOptions.donut = {

width: 150,

        label: {

            show: true,

threshold: 0.1,

            format: function(a, b, c) {

                return c +"\n"+(b*100).toFixed(1)+'%';




b.chartOptions.onrendered =  function (d, i) {  

var id = hi_container.get("renderId");

function wrapText(text, width) {

        text.each(function () {

            var textEl =,

                words = textEl.text().split(/\s+/).reverse(),


                line = [],

                linenumber = 0,

                lineHeight = 0.5, // ems

                y = textEl.attr('y'),

                dx = parseFloat(textEl.attr('dx') || 0),

                dy = parseFloat(textEl.attr('dy') || 0),

                tspan = textEl.text(null).append('tspan').attr('x', 0).attr('y', y).attr('dy', dy + 'em');

            while (word = words.pop()) {


                tspan.text(line.join(' '));

                if (tspan.node().getComputedTextLength() > width || word.includes("%") ) {


                    tspan.text(line.join(' '));

                    line = [word];

                    tspan = textEl.append('tspan').attr('x', 0).attr('y', y).attr('dx', dx).attr('dy', ++linenumber * lineHeight + dy + 'em').text(word);





function fixlabels(text) {

        text.each(function () {

            var label =,

labelNode = label.node();

if (labelNode) {

label.attr("transform", function(d,i){

var r = 75,

        a = (d.startAngle + d.endAngle) / 2 - (Math.PI / 2);

    return "translate(" + (Math.cos(a) * r) + "," + (Math.sin(a) * r) + ")";





d3.selectAll("#chart-"+id +" .c3-chart-arc.c3-target > text").call(wrapText, 100);

d3.selectAll("#chart-"+id +" .c3-chart-arc.c3-target > text").call(fixlabels);


a.set("viz_Options", b);



Thank You
From Team Helical Insight