Show all labels with axis rotation

Hello Helical Team,

I am using helical insight 4.1 GA. When I create a report all labels are not visible. Also not able to orient it.

Thank You,

Hello Netta,

Open the report in edit mode and inject below JS script via JS editor. In this JS code we are calling API and specifying its value like rotation angle, culling, multiline etc. In a similar way any of the C3 charts API can be called and used here.

var viz_Options = c.get("viz_Options");

viz_Options.chartOptions["axis"] = {
 x: {
        type: 'category',
        tick: {
		  culling: false,
            rotate: 45,
            multiline: false
        height: 130
  1. The reference screenshot :

Note : There are some issues with UI driven script so it would be preferred in case of showing all labels ,rotate etc

Thank You,
Helical Insight.