Run drill as background service

Hello Helical Insight,

I am using helical insight enterprise edition 4.1 GA and using drill to connect to datasource. Right now as soon as putty is closed drill stops. How can I run drill as a background service?

Thank You,

Hello Sesa,

By default when drill is installed it is run like drill –embedded. Now when run via this method the drill will close as soon as the putty is closed. In order to run drill as background service first install zookeeper.

Zookeeper gets installed on the default port number 2181. There is a file called drill-override.conf (verify the zookeeper port no is correctly mentioned here, if you have changed the port number while installing make the change here).

Now in bin folder, now run run via this command (and not via drill embedded) and thus now when drill will start it will run as background service.

Refer to this article for more information : How to run Apache Drill (drill-embedded) and close the terminal? - Stack Overflow

Thank You,
Helical Insight.