Redirect to Helical Insight without port number

Hello Helical,

I am using Helical Insight 4.0. Currently, I need to access Helical Insight using the following URL: Rather I would like to use URL like to open the Helical Insight page. How can I do this redirection?


Hello kisekir,

The redirection of the port needs to be added at Tomcat level in the ROOT folder. This folder is located at …/hi/apache-tomcat-9/webapps/

In index.jsp file, add the following line:
<% response.sendRedirect(“hi-ee”); %>

Save the file and restart the server.

Please Note: If you are using Helical Insight 4.0, you may not find the ROOT folder. In that case, create a ROOT folder and add index.jsp file.

Helical Insight.