Percentage bar chart with percentage labels


I want to create percentage bar chart with labels. I am using Helical Insight version 5.2 EE.


Step 1 :

  • Select the required measure and dimension to create the bar chart.
  • Click on the “Chart” visualization option. Do not use Gridchart, use “Chart” or “More Chart” option.
  • Add a measure to the color marks. This measure will be used to show the percentage.


Step2 : Configure Bar Properties

  • Go to the chart properties.
  • Select the bar property and change its type to “percentage.” (note that this works only for charts and not grid chart)
  • Click “Apply.” You should see the Y-axis labels change accordingly.


Step 3 : Format the Chart

In the properties, select the format option.
Follow these points:
Select the measure field in the field dropdown (e.g., sum_travel_cost).
Toggle the percentage option on.
Apply this setting to Pane, Axis, Tooltip, and Actions.
Click “Apply.”


Step 4 :
Drag the measure field to the label field in the marks and generate the chart.
By following these steps, you will observe that the bar chart now displays percentages.


Thank You.