Passing timezone DBfunction

Hello Helical Insight,

Is it possible to create a dbfunction for mysql so that we can pass timezone information and accordingly the data will get changed?

Thank You,

Hello Vema,

Yes, it is always possible to add more functions in the database functions xml file. At the location “..\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin\SqlFunctions” we are having XML file for every DB.

In mysql.xml file add a dbfunction mentioned below which will allow to pass data in a specific timezone or add remove hours from the value. Obviously for such things to work that respective DB should support that as well.

<function group="dateTime" returns="dateTime">
            <parameter column="true" name="datetime" defaultValue="'2008-05-15 12:00:00'"/>
            <parameter column="true" name="from_tz" defaultValue="'+00:00'"/>
            <parameter column="true" name="to_tz" defaultValue="'+13:00'"/>
        <description>This function is used to add / substract time from date time. Example: CONVERT_TZ('2008-05-15 12:00:00','+00:00','+13:00') result: 2008-05-16 01:00:00</description> 

Thank You,
Helical Insight.