Opening the drill down report in the same frame and adding a back link to navigate back to the parent report

Hi Helical Team,

We are going to use Helical Insight within our application. Now we want to have drill down functionality but the drill down report should open in the same frame (not in new tab since we are using in integration mode). when the child report has opened in the same window we should have a back button kind of feature allowing to navigate back to the previous report. How can that be done?

Thank You.

Hi Shwetant,

Open the parent report and create the child report with the required filter.

In the parent report, in the JS tab, append the below code. In the last line in the windows. open provide the URL of the child report between" and &mode=dashboard. After &mode=dashboard will come the name of the filter. For instance in the below JS the name of the filter which we are triggering is upt_day and the name of the child report which we are triggering is hi.html?dir=sales-reports&


var viz_Options = c.get("viz_Options"); = {

onclick: function(d,i) {
var xticks = hi_container._values.c3Chart.internal.config.axis_x_categories
var xtick_clicked = xticks[d['index']]





function reportRender(value) {"hi.html?dir=sales-reports&"+value, "_self");

Note: **The above code is implemented on axis charts. Similarly, you can implement it on tabular reports **
Now when you click on the report the child report will get opened in the same panel.

In order to add the BACK button in the child report open the child report in edit mode and below JS for functionality.

var goBackButton=document.createElement("button");
goBackButton.innerHTML="Go Back";
goBackButton.setAttribute('type', "button");
goBackButton.setAttribute('class', "button_cls");
document.location.href = 'hi.html?dir=uptycs-reports&file=a96540ae-cd52-474f-9c1e-4136a3daac69.efw&mode=dashboard';

Add below CSS for the button look and feel

.button_cls{ background-color: skyblue;
color: white;
cursor: pointer;
position: absolute;
margin-top: 0px;
top: 0px;
margin-left: -1px;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 2px 6px;
font: bold 15px calibri}
#main{ padding: 30px 0px;}


Thank You
Helical Insight Team.

We have created a UI driven option of applying the drill down script as well as a UI driven option for “Go Back” button. This way you would not have to apply those respective JS and CSS.

Drill down in current window/frame (for axis chart) : Download this zip file and extract the script present in it and place it in the below location (this file is the JS script for drilling down from the parent report)
path : “…\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin\CustomScripts\c3Axis\js”

Drill down in current window/frame (for tabular report) : Download (9.3 KB) zip file and extract the script present in it and place it in the below location (this file is the JS script for drilling down from the parent report)
path : “…\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin\CustomScripts\table\js”

Back Button : Download (4.2 KB) zip extract it and and place it in the below location (this file is for back functionality from child report to parent report)
path : “…\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin\CustomScripts\generic\js”

Download this file and upload to the below location (this is the icon file for back button in the child report) :

No need to restart, just try in private window.

Usage for axis chart: Create the parent report on which a person is going to click on and drill down. Similarly create the child report as well which should get rendered when the person has clicked on a portion in the parent report.

Now go to “Customize” and click on Drill Down. In the popup if you do not select “Open In New Tab” that will basically mean that the child report will open in same frame. . Make sure that the child report is having required filter which you are going to pass from the parent report (If you are not aware of this please go through the blog

Then “Select” from the bottom and click on “Apply” customization button.

Usage for Tabular Report: Create the parent report on which a person is going to click on and drill down. Similarly create the child report as well which should get rendered when the person has clicked on a portion in the parent report.

Now go to “Customize” and click on Drill Down. In the popup select the column on which you would like to have drill down on, click on More and de-select/unselect the option “Open In New Tab” which basically means that the child report will be getting rendered in the same frame. Then use browser to navigate to the child report. Make sure that the child report is having required filter which you are going to pass from the parent report (If you are not aware of this please go through the blog

Adding Back Button in Child Report:
Now if you click on this report the child report will open in the same frame. Now the next work is opening the child report in edit mode and applying a “Back” button script over there, so that a user can click on it and navigate back to the parent report.

Open the child report in edit mode. Go to “Customize”, there you will see a script called “Back Button”. Double click on this, in the popup window provide the URL of the parent report which should open now when a person will click on this.

So now a person can click on parent report, child report will open with filtered data based on whatever he has clicked on. The child report is going to have a Back button on which a person can click and again the parent report will open.