NAN showing in Card Widget report for Null data

I am creating card widget report in Helical Insight version 4.1 GA and applied WIDGET CUSTOMIZATION on it, I have added 1 integer columns (SUM OF COLUMN) which is NULL for few months when that month filter is selected. For this NULL it shows NAN. How to solve this issue?

Thank You,


To solve this please follow the below steps :

  1. Take back up of default widgetCustomization.script file located at "…..\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin\CustomScripts\card\js" to some other location.

  2. We are attaching updated widgetCustomization.script file here. Download this file.

  3. Upload this widgetCustomization.script to "…..\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin\CustomScripts\card\js" location.

  4. Clear HI application cache as well as web browser cache (Better to check in private incognito window)

  5. Create fresh report and apply customization again.

Thank You,
Helical Insight.