Large Canned Report not saving

Hello Team,
I am creating canned report in Helical Insight version 4.1 GA. I have added upto 50-52 columns and applied formatting on them and saved the report as well. But as soon as I am adding any additional columns into this existing report then it stopped getting saved and started throwing error as:

RequiredParameterIsNullException: The request is missing either or more of type, serviceType, service parameters.

I tried many options but not able to resolve this. The preview seems to be working fine. What to do in order to solve this issue ?

Thank You,

This seems to be issue because of formdata becoming too big and hence not allowing to save. Apache tomcat has default capacity to handle posting the data into any files. In this case form data is becoming very heavy and hence to solve this you need to change configuration at apache tomcat level.

Make below change in server.xml file located inside “....\hi\apache-tomcat-9\conf” :
You will see something like :

<Connector port="8085" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443"  relaxedQueryChars='^{}[]|&quot;' />

In this add 1 more parameter called maxPostSize and assign value as -1 :

<Connector port="8085" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443"  relaxedQueryChars='^{}[]|&quot;' maxPostSize=”-1” />

After making this change save this server.xml file and restart Tomcat / Helical Insight application service. Once done you will not able to save canned report with as many column as you want.

Thank You,
Helical Insight.