Is it Possible to run Helical Insight application Via IIS Server?

Hello Helical Team,

I have hosted Helical Insight application on Apache Tomcat and it is running on 8080 port.

We have IIS server running on 80 and 443 and now, we want Helical Insight to be accessible via IIS server. How to achieve this. Please help on this.

Hi Patrick,

Yes, you can access Helical Insight Application via IIS Server. Please follow the steps below.

To do that we will setup URL rewrites on IIS. The rewrite effectively maps incoming requests to IIS on to http://localhost:8080/hi-ee. Return traffic from helical is also remapped so any links for images, css etc are remapped to

  1. Install iis8+ and ensure that you have installed the URL rewrite feature on IIS
  2. Click on the site/url rewrite

  1. Create an inbound rule called helicaldev and an outbound rule called helicaldevback. The inbound redirects traffic from IIS port 80/443 to tomcat port 8080. The outbound rule cleans outbound html links so they are accessible from the internet and then routes the html back to the customer:

4.Inbound rule: routes all traffic coming into IIS with directory /hi-ee to localhost:8080/hi-ee

  1. Outbound rule: if it finds the pattern http://localhost:8080/hi-ee in the return html, it replaces it with http://localhost:8080/hi-ee

Thank you.