Highlight Currently Selected Row for Drilldown / IPC

Hello Helical Insight,

I am using helical insight 4.0 EE. I have applied inter panel communication on tabular report on my dashboard. When I click on a particular row, can it be highlighted in a different colour so that users know which value has been currently selected?


Hello Netta,

This can be achieved by adding the following JS at the report level in the JS editor:
Helical contains unique container id at Dashboard level for each chart/table.

hi_container.set('postExecution', function(){
$( document ).ready(function() {
var id = hi_container.get("renderId");
var containerId="#chart tbody tr td";
if(id != ""){
containerId="#chart-"+id+" tbody tr td";
$(containerId).click(function() {
$(containerId).css('backgroundColor', 'transparent');
$(this).css('backgroundColor', 'red');


Helical Insight.