Hiding axis of line chart

Hello team,
I am using Helical insight 3.1 Enterprises Edition. I have created an axis chart, however I would like to hide the axis (Y axis and X axis) from the front-end. Is that something which can be done. Please help.

Thank You

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Hello Kevin,

You can create the adhoc report. Then go to editor and paste the below code in JS editor part of it.

var viz_Options = c.get("viz_Options");

viz_Options.chartOptions.axis = {
x: {show:false},
y: {show:false}

Once done the chart from the charts the X axis and Y axis will get removed. It will appear like below.
In the code you can see in front of X and Y we have put it as false. You can put it true also if you would like to show.

Thank You
Team Helical