Hide notification bell icon Helical Insight 5.0

Hello Team,

I want to remove bell icon which shows notifications from right top menu in Helical Insight 5.0 as well as the report/dashboard name which appears on the left side. How we can do this?

Thank you,

Hello Netta,

This we can do using CSS. Not just that bell icon but we can show/hide many other icons also from top menu. For this we need to add below mentioned CSS in 2.chunk.css file located at " ...\hi\apache-tomcat-9\webapps\hi-ee\css"

To hide top left report title which shows on report/dashboard open mode :

span.anticon.anticon-folder {     display: none; }  
.report-title{ display :none !important; }

To hide notification bell icon :

span.ant-badge.ant-badge-status {
    display: none;

Save the file and refresh the HI application. Make sure to check in private window. As shown in the below image those 2 things are gone.


Thank you,
Helical Insight.