Helical Insight 5.0 Remove default border on dashboard

Hello Helical Insight,

Hi, I have recently downloaded the recent version of Helical Insight, I was preparing dashboard and I see that there is always a very small border to all reports on dashboard, even when I disable the border via right-click menu options. Is there a way to remove them completely. I am using Helical Insight enterprise version 5.0

Thank you,

Hello Netta,

Yes as per application dashboard defaults have the border set for users to design the dashboard easily and not bump into other reports and create a mess around.
However, you can change that with a simple CSS at the dashboard level. This will overwrite the dashboard default settings and remove the borders completely. Right click on the dashboard empty canvas, go to advanced->CSS. Enable it and put the below CSS. You can also add more and more CSS as per your requirement

 border: 0px black solid !important; 


Thank You,
Helical Insight.