Filter value from parent to child report in drill through

Hi Helical Team,

I am using Helical Insight 5.1 GA and i have implemented DRILL THROUGH ( between 2 reports (PARENT REPORT and CHILD REPORT). I have 1 global filter present in parent report and the same filter present in child report as well. While drilling through, I want that the values in the filter of my parent report should get passed to child report as well. But that is not happening. How to achieve this?


This can be done.
In order to pass on the values of filter from parent report to child report follow the steps mentioned here.
You need to make sure that NAME/LABEL of the filter is exactly same at both places i.e. in parent report as well as child report. If these criterionis satisfied, then in your parent report, drag and drop the column into DRILL THROUGH mapping which is responsible for filtering the data into child report. Again to note that keep the name of this column exact same as your child report filter name. Apply group by on this, unselect FETCH AND HIDE and select HIDE for this column. Reference image as below :


This will pass the selected filters from parent report to child report without changing anything on the visualization side.

Thank you,
Helical Insight.