Filebrowser not opening except home page

Hello Team,

I am deployed and using Helical Insight. All the functionalities are working fine. However the file browser page is not opening on any page except “Home” page. Hence I am not able to “save as” the reports or metadata etc.

I am always getting this error “There was problem in completing your request”

Thank you

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Hello Vetegoc,

This problem happens when you are using any Tomcat version other than Tomcat 7.0.69, then in those case file browsers will not open from any other page except the home page.
This problem has already been fixed in Helical insight 3.1 GA release. It seems that you are using a prior version of the same. You can migrate to the 3.1 GA release.

Otherwise, if you would like you can also follow the steps below in order to make it work in your specific release as well.
Open the file server.xml by going to the location (path might be different based on where you have installed)

"C:\Program Files\Helical Insight\hi\apache-tomcat-7\conf\server.xml"

In this file, you can see something like

<Connector port="8085" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8447" />

Replace it with

<Connector port="8085" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8447" relaxedQueryChars='^{}[]|&quot;' />

Then restart the server and check. The file browser will work fine.
Thank you
Team Helical.