Hello ,
This issue happens when the dimensions of the dashboard is different then the usually used ones.
Usually when the pdf exported the application tries to adjust everything in a single A4 and in portrait. But If you want to change this and do custom styling you can achieve this by adding some custom CSS to the dashboard. This CSS is media print CSS and will only get invoked when a person prints it. In the CSS you can do a lot of things like the page size , orientation, font etc in the media query. We can increase/decrease the page size using media print.
Paste this code in dashboard level CSS Holder
Sample Code :
@media print {
@page {
size: 280mm 364mm !important;
In case of : Page break : Increase the page size.
-Set page size using standard page size :
@media print {
@page {
size: A3 !important;
Thank You,
Helical Insight.