Exported PDF getting cut down from bottom Helical Insight 5.0

Hello Team,

I am using Helical Insight 5.0. I have exported a dashboard into PDF. It is not exporting all the panels, few bottom panels got cut down from exported PDF.

How to fix this ?

Thank you,

Hello Team,

You can fix this by making css changes.

Open the file called "main.chunk.css" located at "../hi/apache-tomcat-9/webapps/hi-ee/css"

You will see CSS like :
.hi-dashboard-designer .hi-grid .report-view-height{height:85vh}.hi-dashboard-designer .hi-grid .dashboard-designer-height{height:92.5vh;max-width:100%;position:relative;flex:1 1;min-height:auto;overflow-y:hidden!important}

Replace this much CS S with below :

.hi-dashboard-designer .hi-grid .dashboard-designer-height{max-width:100%;position:relative;flex:1 1;min-height:auto;overflow-y:hidden!important}

Save the file, clear the cache of Helical Insight application and check.

Thank you,
Helical Insight.