Error in logging in after SSO

Hello Team Helical,

We are using Helical Insight 3.1 enterprise edition and have implemented Single Sign On (SSO). The link followed to implement SSO is

We are getting the below error message while trying to login but if we call “/hi-ee/welcome.html” URL it shows me logged in,
This message start coming after we implemented the step suggested in SSO. Refer to below image.


Thank you

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Hello Harika,

Open the file loginBody.jsp located at “…\hi\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi-ee\WEB-INF\jsp\login”

action="<c:url value=’${baseURL}/j_spring_security_check’ />">

Replace the above line with this below line

action="<c:url value=’${baseURL}/welcome.html’ />">

There is no need to restart. Just logout refresh and login again in a private window and check again.

Thank you
Team Helical.