Drill through not passing date

Hello Team,

I am using Helical Insight 5.2.1 enterprise edition. In the parent report I have applied the format function to extract the Month-Year from a date column and generated a bar chart. ( Using postgres as reporting database).

When I click on a particular bar, what I want to do is to pass the relevant Month-Year to the child report so that it filters the correct data for drill-through, but it is not working. Could you provide inputs for resolving this issue?


Hello Netta,

In the parent report you have applied format function on top of date, because of this it gets converted into varchar. Whereas in the child report the filter which you have is still of date data type. So you can see that there are data types mistmatch.

The workaround for this issue is to convert the formatted date to a text type as a separate column at the view level before configuring it in the drill-through.

Additionally, the same column (converted to text) should be used as a filter at the child report level.

Thank You,
Helical Insight Team.