Display current date as Report Run Date in Dashboard

Hi Team,
I am creating 1 dashboard in Helical Insight version 4.1 GA. On top of all panels within this dashboard I want to show current date along with time and label it is Report Run Date. How to achieve this?


You can achieve this very easily simply by writing 2 lines of code. Below we are providing steps of the same.

→ By right clicking on dashboard empty canvas, you can create/add a TEXT component. In this text coponent you write your title like REPORT RUN DATE. Screenshot for reference as below :


→ Now add another text component but keep it empty and don’t provide any title to it.
→ On this new empty titled text component, Right click and you will see option of HTML and JS

→ In HTML section add as :
<div id="currentTime"></div>


→ In JS section add :

var d = new Date();


This way you will be able to add current date time into dashboard.

Thank You,
Helical Insight.