Date Filters not working after migration

Hello Helical,

We have migrated from version 2.1 to version 3.1 of Helical Insight. The date filters that were applied on reports in 2.1 are not working as is in 3.1. What might be the issue?


Hello Avinash,

From version 3.0 onwards, we have implemented standardization of database functions. So it looks like one of the function which you were using has been removed. There are 2 options to resolve this issue:

  1. You can apply other database functions which are present for date with similar functionality and use it. This is the more preferable option.

  2. The other option is to add this deprecated function. For every respective database there is a specific database XML file which has the list of all the functions. So for the db you are connecting you can open the respective xml file which is present at the location …/hi/hi-repository/System/Admin/SqlFunctions/ and add

    <function group="dateTime" returns="date">
    <parameter column="true" name="datetime" defaultValue="'2014-03-08 11:10:27'"/>
    <description>Returns date from dateTime. Example:DATE('2014-03-08 11:10:27') result:2014-03-08.</description>

In a similar manner, you can add functions relevant to your other use case in the efwd file.

Thank You
From Team Helical.