Hello Team Helical,
I am using Helical Insight 3.1 enterprise edition. Using Table Format I am able to customize the look and feel of the data but the table header I am not able to customize. Please help.
Thank You
Hello Team Helical,
I am using Helical Insight 3.1 enterprise edition. Using Table Format I am able to customize the look and feel of the data but the table header I am not able to customize. Please help.
Thank You
Hello Riwim,
We have created a custom script that you can deploy as a patch and use it for customizing the table header as well. You can download the script file from here Table-Header.zip (9.3 KB) and upload it in the location “…\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin\CustomScripts\table\js”
Also just check if you are having a file called “Table_Header.png” in the below-mentioned location.
If that file is not there download the file from and upload it to the location
Aside also please go to the path “…\hi\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi-ee\css” and open the below two files in a text editor
a. styles.css
b. newwindow.css
From these files remove the below lines
font-family: 'questrialregular';
Once done (try in private window after clearing browser cache) when you create a tabular report you can see another customization script in the customization tab called “Table Header”
Thank You
Team Helical