Creating new datasources via API

Hello Helical,

We are using Helical Insight 4.0 RC2. When using the API to concurrently create new data sources globalConnections.xml get corrupted (see screenshot attached)
When this happens it is impossible to create new data sources (i.e. enable reports for other tenants)
Manual editing of a helical server xml file is needed to fix the server.

Can you help us to fix this?

What can be done so that it works?

Thank You,

Hello Netta,

GlobalConnectionx.xml file being a file, lot of concurrent writing operations might affect. We have identified and made the necessary changes in the files causing this issue.

In order to fix this issue, please download this file (DS

Extract the contents of the file and replace the WEB-INF folder at location …/hi/apache-tomcat-9/webapps/hi-ee/

Restart the server. The issue will be fixed.

From our version 5.0 onwards we are hoping to move everything to DBbased, hence such kind of issues will not occur anyways.

Thank You,
Helical Insight.