Changing Table Width

Hi Team Helical,
I am using Helical Insight. I have created a tabular report, however I would like to customize and increase decrease the width of some of the columns.
How can I do that?

Thank You

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Hello Vetegoc,

The width of the screen is always limited. So based on the number of columns dragged by a person dynamically width of the columns are assigned so that they take up the space without putting a horizontal scroll. For example if the width is 100 and you have dragged 10 column, each column will become 10 pixel.

Now in your case you might have put a lot of columns, that is why the width of each column became so small that it is not visible. You can refer to the below document to learn how you can manually specify the width of every column and thus they will be visible with a horizontal scroll.

Please download the below width.script file and save the file in the folder location (1.1 KB)
C:\Program Files\Helical Insight\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin\CustomScripts\table\js, then refresh the browser and you will be able to see adjust column width Icon under customization.
Double click on the icon and give the widths for each column then apply the customization.



Note: After adding the script if you do not see the icon, please refresh browser cache.

Thank You
Team Helical