Hello Sesa,
You can achieve the above by adding external JS script.
We use C3js axis charts. These charts have API for Y axis tick format. By default, the formatting is in K M etc.
We have written custom logic within the format function to achieve the formatting in thousands, lakhs and crores.
Please put the below script in the JS editor:
var viz_Options = c.get("viz_Options");
viz_Options.chartOptions["axis"] = {
tick: {
format: function (d) {
if (d>=0 && d <= 999){
return d;
else if(d >= 1000 && d <= 99999){
return d/1000 + 'K';
else if(d >= 100000 && d <= 9999999){
return d/100000 + 'L';
else if (d >= 10000000){
return d/10000000 + 'C';

Thank You,
Helical Insight.