Change in scheduling db

Hello Team,

Hi. I’m trying to start Helical Insight in docker. You use quartz library, looks like I need to setup DB for it. Can I use MySQL for that? What configuration ( should look like?

Thank You

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Hello Tarun,

From version 4.0 onwards we have saving scheduling related information in db. Yes it is possible to migrate from derby to some other db.

Steps to Migrate Quarz DB to MySQL :

  1. Create some empty database into MySQL DB server. Let us say i have created db “scheduler”

  2. Dump the data from this file into newly created “scheduler” DB : quartz-scheduler/tables_mysql.sql at master · elventear/quartz-scheduler · GitHub

  3. Change the credentials of “” file located at “…hi\apache-tomcat-9\webapps\hi-ee\WEB-INF\classes” to configure the db server and driver details of “scheduler” db

  4. Save the file and close it

  5. Restart Helical Insight service

Thank You
From Team Helical