Can we pass report parameters in the URL?

Hi Team,
I have created one report in Helical Insight with some parameter and now I want to open the same report using URL with some default parameter value. Is it possible to do so with URL? If yes then how?

Hi uma,

` Yes it is possible to pass report parameters in the URL, Follow the following document to pass the parameters in the URL.

Format of URL without parameter:
{Base URL}/{ApplicationPath}/hdi.html?dir={directory_name} &file={file_name}

Format of URL with parameters:
{Base URL}/{ApplicationPath}/hdi.html?dir={directory_name} &file={file_name} &parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2


  • dir: Directory of the folder name in which the file resides

  • file: Name of the file or report.

  • Parameter1: Parameter1 to be triggered on the opened report.

  • value1: Value to be applied on parameter1.

  • Parameter2: Parameter2 to be triggered on the opened report.

  • value2: Value to be applied on parameter2.

Example for report URL with parameter (s):

{Base URL}/hdi.html?dir=HelicalDemo&file=HelicalDemoFile.efw&TERRITORY=[“Japan”, “NA”,“Emea”]&STERRITORY=NA

Here TERRITORY is the multiple select parameter and we have to pass the multiple select parameter values inside square brackets ([ ]) with double quotes and separated with a comma (,) like (TERRITORY=[“Japan”, “NA”,“Emea”]).

Here STERRITORY is the single select parameter and we have to pass single select parameter directly as STERRITORY=NA .

Note: If you passing the multiple parameters, then parameters should be “&” separated.

Helical Insight Team