Hello Helical Insight ,
I am using helical insight version 4.1 GA. I need to add the view of the Latest update date time functionality over the dashboard
Thank you,
Hello Helical Insight ,
I am using helical insight version 4.1 GA. I need to add the view of the Latest update date time functionality over the dashboard
Thank you,
Hello Netta,
Hello ,
You can achieve this by pasting the below js code in the js editor
setTimeout(() => {
let element = document.querySelector(’.pull-right li:nth-child(2)>a’);
let event = new Event(‘mouseover’, {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
let cachedData = element.getAttribute(‘data-original-title’);
let mouseoutEvent = new Event(‘mouseout’, {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
let cachedCont = document.querySelector(’#cached-cont’);
let pEl = document.createElement(‘p’);
pEl.textContent = cachedData;
}, 1000);
and in Html editor
<div id = ‘cached-cont ’>< /div>
Thank you,
Helical Insight.