Automatically Share Report with Users

Hello Helical Insight,

I am using Helical Insight 4.0 and have implemented SSO. I would like to automatically share a set of reports with any new users created on my parent application. How is this possible?

Thank You,

Hello Sesa,

In order to share the reports with all users, you can make the reports public. For making the reports public, store them in a public folder. A public folder is a folder visible to all users. It is even possible to make a current folder also public.
Refer the following blog for learning more about public and private folders.

The default sharing permission is “Read Only” for public folders. You can make a private folder public by removing the index.efwfolder file that is located inside the folder at the backend in the hi-repository. There is one more option of making it public by removing the security tag
Apart from the reports, you will need to make the metadata and datasource also public. You can place the metadata file in the same public folder and it will be automatically shared.
Refer to the following thread to learn about making datasource public.

Thank You,
Helical Insight.