Allowing full data to multiple org and restrict data for other organizations

Hello Helical Insight,

what I would like to do is that to allow full data to multiple org and restrict data for other organizations. For example if the loggedin user either belongs to no organization (i.e. Null) or HelicalIsight organization he should see full data.
Otherwise if the user belongs to any other organization then data security should come into picture and the user should see only limited amount of data based on that logged in user’s organization name


Hello Vema,

Please apply a condition like below

${org}.name != 'Null' && ${org}.name != 'HelicalInsight'
For Org = HelicalInsight ---> ALL DATA 
For Org = Null ---> ALL DATA 
For others --> clientname=<tenant>


Thank You,
Helical Insight.