Adding To the Top button in dashboard

Hello Helical Insight,

I am using Helical Insight version 5.0 GA. There are so many reports on the dashboard so whenever I scroll down the filters disappear. So if I have to select a filter value or change the filter value again I have to scroll up once again. Can I have a button and when I click it , it will take me to top of the dashboard. That will help me save time in scrolling up

Thank you.


Yes, you can add a button in the dashboard and whenever you click that button you will be moved to top of the dashboard, thus making it easier to edit filter values.

You can achieve this by custom Js.

Check the attached zip file ‘Tothetopfunctionality ’ for required files

Usage :

Step1 : Unzip the folder ‘Tothetopfunctionality’ and in that you will find two files

⦁ tothetop.js

⦁ Deployment Documentation

Step 2 : Take the tothetop.js file and paste in below path:


Step 3 : Now edit the file ‘loginbody.jsp’ (path : ...\hi\apache-tomcat-9\webapps\hi-ee\WEB-INF\jsp\login)

Add a script anchor tag pointing to the above file(‘tothetop.js’)

< script src="${baseURL}/js/tothetop.js"></ script>

Reference Image (from loginbody.jsp) file :


Paste that script tag along with other script tag i.e., line number 23.

After adding save the file.

Step 4 : Now refresh the helical insight application and open any dashboard in the new tab. Once you scroll little you will observe a button called ‘Top’ at bottom right side of the page’.

Once you click on it will take you to the top of the page.


Thank You,
Helical Insight.