Row Level Security

Is it possible to apply row level security using your application ?

Hello Harika,

In Helical Insight Application you can apply row level security. By default, all the security which gets applied checks at the row level. For instance, in case of multi-tenancy also, value of different tenants are present in the same column and based on who has logged in only those rows are selected.

In the metadata page, in case if you want to apply row level security, you can select the Global/table option and configure the rules. If you select “grant” then whatever is written in filter condition basically does a row level filtering only. Content written in “Filter” acts as where clause in SQL query which is getting generated.

More details are present below :

Other option of applying metadata security is via the backend (for community edition) by making changes in the XML file. More details about the same are present below

Regards, Helical Insight Team


Thank you for the information.