Migrating the database and application database

Hello Team Helical,

I am using Helical Insight enterprise version. My application database is MySQL (have migrated from derby database to MySQL) as well as the reports and dashboards have also been created from this MySQL database. We are migrating this MySQL database to another port. How can I make the changes?

Thank You

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Hello Tarun,

If you directly migrate the database then you will not be even able to login also. Hence the first thing which needs to be done is making changes in the application-context.xml and mention the new MySQL credentials here. The application DB details are present here from line 8 on-wards.
Once you have made the changes here then restart the server. Path of application-context.xml is "…\hi\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi-ee\WEB-INF\classes"

Now you will be able to login. Now you can go to the data-sources page and edit the already created connection to point it to the new DB connection for reports dashboards also.

Thank You
From Team Helical.