Logout of Helical Insight in embedded mode

Hello Team Helical,
I am using Helical Insight in embedded mode. However after sometime, Helical login screen appears in our application upon embedded even though embedded.
Also even when I have logged out from our application, in a separate window if I open the Helical Insight URL the session is persisting. Please help with the above how can I trigger that custom logout of Helical Insight along with our application.

Thank You

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Hello Riwim,

By default Helical Insight session timesout in 30 mins. Hence in case of inactivity it will timeout. You can increase the application session timeout by following the below blog

Also with your application logout button make sure that you are also triggering our application logout API also. Otherwise even though user might have loggedout from your application his BI session will continue. Logout API can be triggered like this

Refer to the below blog to learn about the custom logout api and how you can trigger that

Thank You
Team Helical Insight