Integrate Adhoc without Ribbon and Top Band

Hello Team Helical
I am using Helical Insight 3.1 enterprise edition. I am integrating the Adhoc interface page within our application. But I would like to remove

  • Top white band with logo
  • The collapsible ribbon which has “Home” “Reports” etc
    You can refer to the image below that I want to achieve. Looking forward to your response.

Thank You.

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Hello Marc,

Below are the steps of how you can do that.
a. Go to this path “…\hi\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi-ee\css”
b. Open the file “styles.css”
c. Add the below code at the end of the styles.css file
d. .primary-nav{display:none !important}.flaticon-reports, .flaticon-next, .flaticon-home{display:none !important}.secondary-nav .navbar-nav>.active>a{display:none !important}.secondary-nav .nav li:first-child a{display:none !important}
Now if you open the adhoc interface it will look like below image as per your requirement.

Thank You
From Team Helical