Dashboard sharing error

Hello Team,

I am using Helical Insight 3.1 EE. I have created few reports which are in Folder A, the metadata is also in this folder. The dashboard which is created from these reports are present in folder B.

Datasource has been shared in execute mode. I do not want to show the Folder A, so the Folder A has been shared in Execute mode. Folder B which is having the actual dashboards are shared in Read mode so that end user is able to view the dashboards.

So ideally the dashboard should open for the other users. But when the other user is trying to view the dashboard, it is showing Access Denied error. Please help.
Thank You

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Hello Kevin,

Navigate to the below folder “…\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin
Open the fle urlContexts.xml in any text editor. Navigate to line no 214, change the permission level from 2 to 1. After doing this you can restart the server and it will work fine. The dashboard will be visible even if the reports are shared in execute mode only.

Thank You
Team Helical