Comma in Input parameter

Hello Team Helical,

I am using Helical Insight enterprise version 3.1. The input parameters works fine generally, however for those values where input parameters values which are having comma inside it, it does not give the desired output.

For example if the value is
“3 street, Fleet”
then it is splitting the same into two values i.e. 3 street and Fleet and not taking it as a single value. Thus the dataset which gets generated is not correct.

Thank You,

In a SQLQuery comma is used to differentiate between multiple values. That is why when we are getting it is automatically splitting it into two values.

In order to fix this please download (914.3 KB) file, unzip it and put these files into this location “C:\Program Files\Helical Insight\hi\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi-ee\js\adhoc”. (over ride the older files and put these files)

Just to be sure please restart the server, delete the cache and try in private window.

Team Helical

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