Cascading Input Parameters Implementation

Hi Team Helical,

I have implemented cascading input parameters by following the blog.

The cascading input parameter is working fine. Based on the “year” selected the “months” are being displayed.

However at dashbaord level when I changed the “Year” to multi-select the “months” filter is not rendering. Below I am also sharing the EFWD file for your reference. Please help me out.

<Connection id="10" type="global.jdbc">

<DataMap id="1" connection="10" type="sql">
select distinct Year as Year


<DataMap id="2" connection="10" type="sql">

<Parameter name="Year" type="String" default="2019"/>

select distinct Month as Month	From EZX_INVOICE_HEADERS_DIM
WHERE Year IN (${Year}) ORDER BY Month	




Thank You.

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Hello Marc,

When you are passing multiple years to the month filter the filter type of that month filter has to be a collection and not string. The string will work fine when it’s a single select.

Right now in your SQLQuery, it is specified as string only and that’s why it’s not working. Plz change it to the collection and it will work fine for multiple values

Hence change it from
<Parameter name="Year" type="String" default="2019"/>


<Parameter name="Year" type="Collection" default="2019"/>

Thank You
Team Helical.